Bachelor of Science in Bible Teaching








Learn How to Teach the Bible with Excellence!

CIU是为数不多的提供圣经教学本科学位的基督教大学之一. 其他学校提供圣经或教育学学位,但不是两者兼而有之!

我们的节目是为了训练你知道,爱,生活和教导圣经的完整性. Although this training will equip you to design creative Bible lessons and curriculum in a Christian school setting, 你的技能将被转移到多个基督教事工的设置. 许多毕业生将他们的训练用于牧养、青年事工、露营和宣教事工.

The purpose of the Bible Teaching program is to develop the 部 skill of teaching Bible in North America and around the world in public, 私人, 国际, government and missionary schools. 除了, 本课程为其他需要圣经教导技巧的基督教工作领域提供准备. CIU Education programs are endorsed by the Higher Education 认证 Program (HEAP) of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Program graduates who meet specific requirements are eligible to apply for appropriate ACSI teacher or administrator certificates. ACSI在CIU毕业时申请免收认证费用.


  • Cultivate the skill of preparing hermeneutically-sound Bible lessons and curriculum that are developmentally appropriate and consistent with the pattern of biblical revelation
  • 实施社会学, 哲学, and 心理 principles of the teaching-learning process into the preparation and delivery of Bible lessons
  • 建立积极的, professional behavior and relationships with supervisors, 同事, 家长与学生
BS Bible Teaching Testimonial, Elizabeth Clemmer

“CIU的圣经教学项目使我能够在课堂上教授圣经, 也有机会在海外教会和事工教导孩子. 我学会了如何通过圣经的镜头来教授所有科目. So even if I’m not teaching Bible, I’m teaching Bible. 今年秋天,我将开始我第22年的基督教教育, 我的圣经图表挂在每个教室里! The Bible Teaching program not only gave me a career, 而是无论我身在何处,分享神话语的终身技能.”


Why Choose Columbia International University?

尽管许多基督教学院提供圣经课程, 神学与教育, the Bible Teaching program at CIU is unique! 我们的课程实际上是在一个课程中提供圣经/神学和圣经教学的双学位. This includes supervised training in the classroom, 提供教导和设计圣经课程的实用技巧, including one semester of student teaching.

Overall Benefits of getting this degree

首先也是最重要的, this program provides you with the opportunity to study the Bible and Theology with professors who are experts in their fields and who work in association with CIU’s Columbia Biblical 神学院. 你要先学习圣经. 以这些知识为基础, you will learn educational principles and best practices for teaching the Bible that are both hermeneutically and theologically sound. 这包括适合21世纪学生发展的创造性和引人入胜的方法.

因为圣经教学课程需要圣经/神学专业, every student will graduate with a double major. 通过早期的战略规划, as a Bible teaching major you can enrich your degree with a minor in a related area of study (ex: Youth Ministry, 哲学, 中东研究, 希腊, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages [TESOL], 等.).


  • Teaching Bible in 私人 Christian schools
  • Teaching Bible in public Schools in the United States
  • Head of school: Headmaster or Principal
  • Youth Ministry with a Bible Teaching emphasis
  • 在神学院和神学院教授圣经和神学
  • 营地事工:营地主管、辅导员、查经小组组长
  • Women’s Ministries director in the local church
  • 妇女会议讲者
  • 圣经、神学、人类学、教育学和圣经教学课程的大学教授
  • 大学校长
  • 地方教会牧师(主任牧师和大学牧师)
  • College campus ministries: CREW, RUF
  • 儿童福音团契
  • 布道者
  • 体育部门
  • 在美国和海外植堂事工
  • Small group discipleship groups in Thailand
  • Business consultants in developing countries
  • Rescuing victims of sex trafficking
  • 商务人士从圣经的世界观运作




  • bib3820教师圣经

    在本课程中, you will develop a philosophy of Bible teaching and learn to follow a preparation procedure that will ensure that the purpose for which Scripture was given will be accomplished in your own teaching. 你将特别关注如何用学习课程来规划圣经课程, 单位, 每天的课程, 遵循《澳门新葡京注册》启示的模式,完整地教导《澳门新葡京注册》材料.

  • EDU 2110 Foundations of Education

    This course is an introductory study of the historical, 社会, 哲学, 心理, and pedagogical "foundations" of education, 专为那些准备成为专业教育工作者. 您将开发的工具,以阐明个人的教育理念, with an emphasis on the 社会 context of urban schools and an understanding of biblical principles relating to education.

  • EDU 3541 Learning Environment and Classroom Management

    本课程旨在介绍各种班级管理模式, with analysis and application emphases. 对儿童早期和小学环境的影响进行了研究. Classroom environmental arrangements; time management factors; children of diverse backgrounds and needs; mental-, 情感- - - - - -, 社会-and/or physical differences; and preventive, 支持, and corrective discipline are addressed. 大、小团体的有效管理和组成物理, 社会, 情感, and academic learning environments are examined.

  • EDU 4910 Directed Teaching in Bible

    You will apply the principles and methods of teaching in an extended classroom experience under the supervision of an experienced teacher. 定期与合作教师和学院主管进行个人会议. (Directed Teaching fee is charged).

  • EDU 5400 Principles of Bible 课程 Design

    This course covers principles of curriculum design with application to the preparation of curriculum for Bible teaching. 评估现有的圣经课程,以确定其建设的哲学基础. Students design original Bible courses and 单位 on various grade levels for use in varied teaching environments.

  • EDU 5451 Methods of Teaching Bible

    This course is a study of the methods of classroom instruction with specific application to using the Bible as the text. Preparation of material for teaching, including formulation of objectives; and preparing 单位 and daily lesson plans is discussed.

  • EDU 5452 Student Teaching Seminar: Bible Teaching

    本课程的目的是为预备预备圣经的实习教师,以获得直接的教导经验. Issues of being under supervision, 管理课堂, and evaluating student performance will be addressed.

  • PSY 3330学习心理学

    This is an in-depth study of learning, 动机, 和改变, 这将对教学和咨询方法产生影响. 您将专注于历史和现代认知研究和测试, 尤其是在学术领域, 关系, 情感, 精神领域. 你还将特别关注圣经学习理论的发展.

  • ENG 3540 Classics of Christian Literature

    This course examines a selection of influential Christian classics (primarily written in English but not excluding translated works) which reflect a variety of genres and traditions of Christian writing within the tradition of what C. S. 刘易斯称之为“纯粹的基督教”." Particular attention will be given to how reading the Christian classics can be spiritually nourishing and help clarify 挑战 facing the Church today.

  • HIS 3110 History of the Christian Church

    在对基督教会从新约时代到现代的发展史的调查中, you will address four periods: Early church history from the First Advent of Christ to the collapse of the Roman Empire (5 B.C.-A.D.590); Medieval church history from the rise of the Roman Catholic Church to the beginning of the Reformation (A.D. 590-1517); Reformation church history from the Protestant Reformation to the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation (1517-1648); and modern church history from the Pietistic Revival to the present (1648 on).

  • HIS 4221 History of Global Christianity I

    本课程提供了基督教从诞生到中世纪结束的全球概览. You will discuss and analyze the Early Church's growth, 挑战, 和妥协, including the Crusades and early missionary efforts. Special attention will be given to the way in which the Early Church responded to the Great Commission by establishing churches in 非洲, 斯拉夫, 印度, 中国的 和拉丁美洲n civilizations. 我们还将关注公元1500年以前基督教与犹太教和伊斯兰教的关系.

  • HIS 6221 History of Global Christianity I

    本课程提供了基督教从诞生到中世纪结束的全球概览. You will discuss and analyze the Early Church's growth, 挑战, 和妥协, including the Crusades and early missionary efforts. Special attention will be given to the way in which the Early Church responded to the Great Commission by establishing churches in 非洲, 斯拉夫, 印度, 中国的 和拉丁美洲n civilizations. 我们还将关注公元1500年以前基督教与犹太教和伊斯兰教的关系.

  • HIS 4231 History of Global Christianity II

    This course provides a global survey of Christianity from the Reformation of the 16th century to the early 21st century. You will examine the Reformation as a global phenomenon, 比较欧洲的教会改革和非洲的同步发展, 俄罗斯, 和拉丁美洲. 我们将特别关注基督教与斯拉夫语的相互作用, 中国的, 伊斯兰教, 印度教, 西方, 非洲, 犹太人, 和拉丁文明.

  • HIS 6231 History of Global Christianity II

    This course provides a global survey of Christianity from the Reformation of the 16th century to the early 21st century. You will examine the Reformation as a global phenomenon, 比较欧洲的教会改革和非洲的同步发展, 俄罗斯, 和拉丁美洲. 我们将特别关注基督教与斯拉夫语的相互作用, 中国的, 伊斯兰教, 印度教, 西方, 非洲, 犹太人, 和拉丁文明.

  • 艺术与思想

    在本课程中, 你将:a)培养对各种视觉和时间艺术——绘画的基本欣赏能力, 雕塑, 音乐, 文学, drama - and b) grow to understand the broad historical progression of the arts from the late Middle Ages to the 20th Century. 你将特别关注哲学思想和世界观是如何通过艺术交流的.

  • HUM 3540 Great Books: Christian Classics

    This course examines a selection of influential Christian classics (primarily written in English but not excluding translated works) which reflect a variety of genres and traditions of Christian writing within the tradition of what C. S. 刘易斯称之为“纯粹的基督教”." Particular attention will be given to how reading the Christian classics can be spiritually nourishing and help clarify 挑战 facing the Church today.

  • ICS 3110 Introduction to World Religions

    本课程是对广泛的历史发展的介绍, 哲学上的结构, and worldviews of the non-Christian religions. You will explore primal religions, 印度教, 佛教, 中国和日本的宗教, 和伊斯兰教, as well as some of their folk expressions.

  • PHI 3310古典哲学

    In this history of philosophy course, you will explore the central ideas of classical philosophy by reading central works of the presocratic and 希腊 philosophers that are foundational to the development of 西方 thought, 政治, 道德, 和宗教.

  • PHI 3320中世纪哲学

    In this history of philosophy course, you will explore the central ideas of medieval philosophy by reading the central works of the medieval philosophers, 以古典希腊思想与基督教神学的综合为特征的.

  • PHI 3330现代哲学

    In this history of philosophy course, you will explore the central ideas of modern philosophy by reading the central works of the modern philosophers that provide the basis for our present postmodern context.

  • PHI 3610 Introduction to Christian Apologetics

    This course introduces students to Christian apologetics: the task of "giving a defense" of the Gospel and Christian doctrine to contemporary intellectual and cultural 挑战. 学生将学习对基督教教义的具体挑战以及对这些挑战的回应, 以及比较和对比不同的方法来道歉的任务(e.g.、古典护教学、预设护教学等.). (3)



ASCI (Association of Christian Schools International)
ABHE (The Association for Biblical Higher Education)


  • 在美国的公立或基督教学校以及世界各地的国际学校进行圣经教学.
  • Bible Teaching in a church 部
  • 青年事工:我们的一些毕业生在当地教会教导青少年圣经.
  • 儿童部主任
  • 为主日学及青年事工计划撰写及设计圣经课程
  • 我们的许多毕业生在工作场所发现作为商业和教育专业人士的事工机会. While not directly in a Bible Teaching position, their training is practiced in unique purposeful ways.


When I graduate can I get a job with this degree?

Every year the Bible Teaching director receives more requests for Bible Teaching positions than there are graduates to fill them. 尽管在某些地方,工作岗位往往不那么丰富, 如果一个人愿意搬迁,通常会有一个职位空缺. 除了, there are other requests for Bible Teaching ministries that are not in a school setting such as youth-related 部 positions.


有一个由CIU管理的招聘板,定期发布部门职位. 除了, the director of the Bible Teaching program receives multiple requests every year and assists current students and graduates in securing a position upon graduation or even before graduation.

Are the Bible Teaching courses difficult?

老实说,这通常取决于你过去在高中的经历. 如果你上的是简单的课程却得了c,你可能会发现这些课程很难. 但是如果你有学习的动力并且愿意努力工作, 你发现这些课程很有挑战性, 严格的, 彻底和可获得. 除了, to your professors there is a full staff in the Academic Success Center who will assist you in areas where you may be weak. 此外,一些更难的课程还提供学习小组.


Most CIU students find good choices at every meal! 像你妈妈的吗? No! 但许多人说这是他们吃过的最好的自助餐厅食物!

Can I change my major after choosing a major?

绝对, 然而, 你应该和你的导师讨论,因为你越晚改变, the more difficult it will be to graduate on time. 通常情况下,如果有必要,最好在第三学期之前更改.

Will I have to write formal research papers?

是的,欢迎来到大学! There will be papers to write; 然而, not every class will require formal papers. But there will be wonderful help from your professors, 如果你在这方面需要额外的帮助,可以联系学术成功中心的老师和助理.


是的! 有很棒的社交活动, 部, 每周都有与学术相关的课外活动. 但要谨慎明智地选择! 从一些有规律的活动开始,平衡你的时间和学习. 在你做额外的活动之前,看看你的日历和任务.

What is the greatest mistake you can make?

也许你能犯的最糟糕的错误是在注册课程之前没有见你的学术顾问. 另外,如果你需要额外的帮助,就去找你的教授. 通常你只需要对任务做一些解释和澄清. Professors and staff are available to assist you.