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The Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Supervision prepares graduates to work as counselor educators, 监事, 研究人员, and practitioners in academic and clinical settings with professional excellence and from a contextualized biblical worldview. This advanced degree in counselor education and 监督 enables counselors to shift in identity and skill from clinical practitioners to scholar practitioners, learning the philosophy and skills of teaching and 监督 while contributing to the field through advocacy, 监督, 领导, 研究, 以及教育指导. Persons graduating with this doctoral degree in counselor education and 监督 will be fully equipped to fulfill God’s 目的s as ambassadors of the gospel to burgeoning faith-based and secular graduate counseling 项目 around the world.

Dr. 赛斯斯科特


Columbia Inter国家 University is unique with its intentionally multi-denomi国家 foundation and deliberate mission focus, 提供东南地区为数不多的具有圣经世界观的CES博士学位之一. 从一个建立和优秀的临床咨询项目, the PhD in CES will expand and enhance the reach of counseling training through this train-the-trainer approach in doctoral counselor education.


咨询解决了身份问题, 意义, 目的, 和归属感, 所有的问题都能在福音的真理和圣经的世界观中找到它们的现实. This program is uniquely suited to fulfill the mission of CIU within this critical need area by training counselor educators from a biblical worldview to impact the world for Christ as counselor educators in both faith-based and secular counseling 项目, 作为临床环境的主管, 作为研究人员和作者,提供见解和整合,以解决整个人, and as leaders in the field to promote the focus on the whole person as made in the image of God. 需要咨询师和教育者, 都是在我们的咨询硕士课程中, and in hundreds of other faith-based and secular graduate counseling 项目 around the country and the world. This program has the opportunity to address the mission of God as CIU graduates within this niche in a unique way. 辅导员教育者准备领导和影响临床咨询, 监督, 项目评估和领导, 研究, 辅导教育, 倡导有效的变革. Through practical experience throughout the program and opportunities for professional practice, 这个项目的博士生模仿了head的项目理念, 心, 并通过卓越的知识双手, 字符, 以及跨越辅导员教育和监督的五个重点领域的技能.





  • 博士实习期(3-4学时,费用1500 - 2000美元)
  • 博士实习期-第一年(指导) & 集成)- 1学分,500美元的费用
  • 博士实习期-第二年(教学,监督, & 研究)- 1学分,500美元的费用
  • 博士住院医师-第三年(临床 & 研究报告)- 1学分,500美元费用
  • 可选的第四次住院医师(写作强化)- 1学分,500美元费用


  • 职业定位、职业道德、 & 身份(3)
  • 研究理论、设计、 & 方法(3)
  • 辅导员教育中的教学(3)
  • 定量研究方法(3)
  • 高级咨询理论(3)
  • 定性研究方法(3)
  • 临床督导与咨询(3)
  • 高级方法论(3)
  • 教学实习(3)
  • 项目评估、领导和出版(3)
  • 临床心理咨询高级实习(3)
  • 实习-跨CES领域(3)
  • 高级多元文化问题(3)
  • 顶石:咨询 & 基督教思想(3)
  • 论文(12学时)
  • 建议发展(3)
  • 论文(3)
  • 论文(3)
  • 论文(3)

The first two years of courses are completed online with one-week residencies required the week after May graduation. Successful completion of the Competency Exam during the third residency and Clinical Supervision and Consultation course during the second year provides for registration in the Advanced Practicum in Clinical Counseling course. Successful completion of four 研究 courses is required to present 研究 during the third residency, 在提案开发中推进论文提案. 在高级研究方法论课程中, students will seek a qualified faculty mentor as a chair for their dissertation committee and to assist in proceeding toward Proposal Development. 当导师认为论文可以答辩时, the candidate defends his/her dissertation before a committee of at least two faculty readers, 无论是大学内部还是外部.



  • 顺利完成所有课程,成绩达到B或以上.
  • Successful completion of a dissertation proposal prepared under the 监督 of a faculty mentor.
  • Successful oral defense of a dissertation that is an original work of academic 研究 (at least 80,000 words) before a committee of at least two internal and/or external faculty readers with program director joining the defense when two external readers are present.
  • 肯定CIU的教义声明.
  • 在入学后的八年内成功完成所有要求.


  • 完成应用程序
  • 执照追踪的官方成绩单, 48-hour (minimum) master’s degree in counseling or a related field such as psychology or social work. Those with less than 48 hours or non-CACREP accredited degrees may have to take additional coursework as a prerequisite to admission or concurrently with their first year in the program.
  • 最小累积3.5平均绩点
  • 3封推荐信(1封专业推荐信,1封学术推荐信,1封教会领袖推荐信)
  • 简历/简历
  • 文章
  • 研究计划
  • 有一年以上心理健康领域工作经验(优先考虑).
  • 硕士论文或主要研究论文(至少10,由先前的学位提供或在申请过程中协调
  • 招生委员会面试 
  • Students are required to attend 3-one-week residencies each summer throughout their program of study with an optional fourth writing intensive residency the final summer of dissertation




  • 博士、硕士和学士学位课程的咨询教育工作者
  • 机构、医院和非营利组织的临床主任和行政人员
  • 咨询和社会科学领域的研究人员和作者  
  • 咨询机构的临床监督员
  • 行政或咨询中的社会倡导和项目评估



是的, 入学要求包括持有执照, 48-hour (minimum) master’s degree in counseling or a significantly related field such as psychology or social work from a regionally accredited institution. Those with less than 48 hours or non-CACREP accredited degrees may have to take additional coursework as a prerequisite to admission or concurrently with their first year in the program.


不需要license, but is highly recommended along with existing clinical practice experience to increase opportunities for practice and engagement during additional internship hours required throughout the program.


Students are required to attend 3-one-week residencies each summer throughout their program of study with an optional fourth writing intensive residency the final summer of dissertation. 余下的54个学分通过在线教学完成.


The program is designed for two classes each semester (six credits) of year-round instruction. 论文拟在一年内完成, but may take longer than that with students required to maintain enrollment until the dissertation is complete.


本课程为全日制,每学期六个学分(两节课). While the program is intended for professionals working full-time in the field of counseling, 学生应该计划平均每周花20小时阅读, 研究, 和作业.


CES的博士课程有57个学分. The program costs $625 per credit hour and a $500 residency fee for each of the three required residencies plus technology fees each semester while enrolled, 整个项目的成本不到40美元,在三年内完成.


CACREP requires 项目 to graduate one round of students before application for accreditation with accepted CACREP-accreditation retroactively applied to program graduates. 随着这个CES博士项目在2023年秋季启动,CACREP的申请可以在2026年秋季开始. CES的博士学位获得了SACSCOC和ABHE的认证.


With over 60 (and growing) CACREP-accredited faith-based graduate schools providing master’s-level training for future counselors, 圣经为基础, integrative counselor educators prepared for clinical and academic excellence are in high demand. 临床咨询专业需要具有CES博士学位及以上学位的教师, 以及这个特定的程序, 满足当前日益增长的迫切需求.


